News & Updates:

North Yorkshire Council Selby Area Planning Department notifies the Parish Clerk of new applications/appeals. The Parish Council is asked to respond with any observations they may have on the application.

These applications will be discussed at a public meeting of either the full Parish Council or the PC Planning Committee. The meeting agenda will detail which applications are to be discussed and the agenda will be displayed on the Parish Council notice board and detailed on the website. The application reference details will be included on the agenda to allow people to review the application details on the Selby Area Public Access planning portal .

The portal can be accessed via this link:

November 2023 Planning

Due to the fact there are currently 3 major developers wanting to build in the village, a New Local Plan for the Selby Area and a consultation for a New Local Plan for North Yorkshire, the Parish Council has decided a Planning Consultant will be employed to shape and deliver the observations on its behalf.

Residents are urged to still submit observations of their own with regards to planning applications.  You can submit comments (include the application reference number) via email:

  • ZG2023/1033/FULM |Erection of 65 residential dwellings, formation of roads, hard and soft landscaping and associated infrastructure | Land East And South Of Gateforth Court Hambleton North Yorkshire
  • ZG2023/1152/OUTM | Outline application with all matters reserved except for means of access to, but not within, the site for the development of up to 150 dwellings and associated landscaping and infrastructure works
  • Taylor Wimpey say they intend to submit an Outline Application for land South off Scalm Lane, behind the recently completed Taylor Wimpey site of 115 new homes.

A Residents’ Forum was held in the Village Hall on 12 December at 7pm to discuss the developments.  You can read a Summary of the meeting here.

To help you write your Objections and Comments, you can use this document provided by the Planning Consultant:


You may also want to ask what do we, as a village, get out of it (could we finally be permitted a pedestrian crossing for example?) or suggest changes the developer can make to improve how the development works for us as a village.

Commenting on a planning application

Both the Parish Council and the public can make comments on planning applications in the following ways:

Please Note the application details above are hosted externally from the Hambleton Parish Council website and may be updated at any time.