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Parish Council Meeting
September 13, 2018 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
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Notice is hereby given for the Meeting of Hambleton Parish Council Ordinary Meeting Thursday 13th September 2018 at 7.00pm in Hambleton Village Hall meeting room
Business to be transacted
137/18 Present and Apologies
138/18 Declarations of Interest
139/18 To finalise the co-option of new councillor and sign the Acceptance of Office
140/18 Approval and signing of the minutes from the Parish Council meeting Thursday 9th August 2018
141/18 Attendees Comments on Agenda Items
142/18 Clerk’s Report
143/18 Finance
- a) To approve the financial summary and bank reconciliation prepared for AUGUST cashbook
- b) To approve payments to be made for SEPTEMBER
- c) Review Budget/Spend Comparison 2018-19
- d) Organise half yearly Internal Financial Audit
144/18 Updates from councillors from meetings attended
145/18 Village Maintenance
- a) Discuss dry stone waller quote for Pinfold
- b) Matters to report to the clerk
146/18 Planning:
- a) 2018/0905/REM – Reserved Matters Application relating to access, appearance, landscaping, layout and
scale of approval 2017/0312/OUT. Land East of Richardson Court. - b) 2018/0936/DOC – Discharge of conditions 05 (Access), 06 (Construction Method Statement), & 08
(Surface Water Drainage) of approval 2017/0312/OUT. Land East of Richardson Court. - c) 2018/0997/TPO – Proposed crown lifting to 6 metres and removal of 2 large limbs to 1No Ash Tree (T11)
covered by TPO 7/1995. 6 The Willows. - d) Notices of decision
147/18 Confirm the date of the next meeting: Thursday 11th October, to be followed by a Burial Authority
Meeting and a Charitable Trust Meeting Timings to be confirmed
148/18 Meeting close