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Parish Council Meeting
October 11, 2018 7:00 pm
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149/18 Present and Apologies
150/18 Election of Chair, New chair to sign Acceptance of Office
151/18 Election of Vice Chair, New Vice Chair to sign Acceptance of Office
152/18 Approval and signing of the minutes from the Parish Council meeting Thursday 13th September 2018
153/18 Attendees Comments on Agenda Items
154/18 Clerk’s Report
155/18 Finance
- a) To approve the financial summary and bank reconciliation prepared for SEPTEMBER cashbook
- b) To approve payments to be made for OCTOBER
- c) External Audit Update
- d) To discuss the option of setting up a standing order to pay ADVANSYS monthly for web hosting
156/18 Village Maintenance
- a) Updates
- b) Matters to report to the clerk
157/18 Planning:
- a) 2018/1034/ADV – Advertisement consent for 1no hoarding sign at entrance, Tiny Toes, 33 Gateforth
Lane - b) 2018/1116/DOV – Request for a Deed of Variation to Section 106 agreement seeking the payment of a
commuted sum to be used towards the provision of a children’s play area elsewhere in Hambleton in
lieu of a children’s play area on the land in respect of planning approval 2005/0876/FUL, Warehouse
Depot, Station Road - c) 2018/0997/TPO Proposed crown lifting to 6 metres and removal of 2 large limbs to 1no Ash Tree (T10)
and 4 metre crown lifting to 1no Sycamore (T11), 6 The Willows - d) Notices of decision
158/18 Confirm the date of the next meeting: Thursday 11th October, to be followed by a Burial Authority
Meeting and a Charitable Trust Meeting Timings to be confirmed
159/18 Meeting close