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Parish Council Meeting

November 8, 2018 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Notice is hereby given for the Hambleton Parish Council Ordinary Meeting On Thursday 8TH NOVEMBER 2018 at 7pm Hambleton Village Hall meeting room.

Business to be transacted

160/18 Present and Apologies
161/18 Declarations of interest
162/18 Approval and signing of the minutes from the Parish Council meeting Thursday 11th October 2018
163/18 Attendees Comments on Agenda Items
164/18 Clerk’s Report
165/18 Finance

  1. a) To approve the financial summary and bank reconciliation prepared for October cashbook
  2. b) To approve payments to be made for November
  3. c) To Confirm Standing Order set up for website hosting payment

166/18 To discuss candidates for 2 councillor vacancies and carry out ballot to co-opt and appoint
167/18 To discuss Social Media policy and strategy of responding to comments
168/18 Village Maintenance

  1. a) To discuss the option of purchasing Christmas Lights
  2. b) Matters to report to the clerk

169/18 Planning:

  1. a) NY/2018/0178/FUL: Consultation on planning application for the purposes of the demolition of existing garage and bungalow (131 sq. metres), erection of a single storey classroom extension (106 sq.metres) To form a cloakroom and storage area, covered play area (29 sq. metres), (8 No.external fixed wall Lighting, creation of a footpath, tree removal, playground extension (316sq. metres), extended car parking area, hard and soft landscaping works and erection of external covered play canopy (30 sq. metres) on land at Hambleton C of E Primary School https://onlineplanningregister.northyorks.gov.uk/register/PlanAppDisp.aspx?recno=10646
  2. b) Notices of decision

170/18 Items to be added to December Agenda
171/18 Items to go in the newsletter
172/18 Confirm the date of the next meeting: Thursday 13th December
173/18 Meeting close


November 8, 2018
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Event Category:


Village Hall


Hambleton Parish Council