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Parish Council Meeting
December 13, 2018 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
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Notice is hereby given for the Hambleton Parish Council Ordinary Meeting On Thursday 13th December 2018 at 7pm Hambleton Village Hall meeting room.
Business to be transacted
174/18 Present and Apologies
175/18 Acceptance of Office to be signed by new councillors
176/18 Declarations of interest
177/18 Approval and signing of the minutes from the Parish Council meeting Thursday 8th November 2018
178/18 Attendees Comments on Agenda Items
179/18 Clerk’s Report
180/18 Finance
- a) To approve the financial summary and bank reconciliation prepared for November cashbook
- b) To approve payments to be made in December
- c) To approve membership renewal for SLCC – no fee increase
- d) To discuss request for donation towards cost of complimentary refreshments at Carols on the Green
181/18 To discuss budget and finalise precept demand
182/18 To discuss “Village Services Audit”
183/18 Village Maintenance
- a) To discuss the work necessary to make ‘The Ginnel’ safe for the immediate future
- b) To discuss signage to be allowed for business who put up the tree lights
- c) Matters to report to the clerk
184/18 Planning:
- a) 2018/1253/COU Retrospective change of use to dog grooming salon and dog day care and associated
retail sales. Angel Riding Centre, Morton Lane Stables, Morton Lane - b) 2018/1341/S73 Section 73 application for outline application with all matters reserved for the erection of residential development without complying with condition 12 and 13 of approval 2015/0105/OUT granted 3rd December 2015. This application seeks to vary conditions 12 and 13 as follows: Part variation of condition 12 (d) to enable items (i), (ii), & (iii) to be submitted and approved prior to the occupation of any home at the site as opposed to ‘pre-commencement’ of the actual development. Part Variation of Condition 13 (d) to enable the delivery of the widening of the approach arms and roundabout at the A162/A63 off-site junction (JP Plant Hire roundabout, JJ) prior to the occupation of 30 homes as opposed to ‘prior to the site coming into use’. Original conditions attached.
- c) Notices of decision
185/18 Items to be added to January Agenda
186/18 Confirm the date of the next meeting: Thursday 10th January, 7pm
187/18 Meeting close