About Us:
Hambleton Parish Council Parish Councillors Becoming A Parish Councillor Finance Information Policies & Standing Orders
Hambleton Parish Council meets in Hambleton Village Hall on the second Thursday of every month, starting at 7.00pm. Notices of meetings are put on the parish website and noticeboards three working days before the meeting date. Members of the public & press are welcome to attend any meetings.
All meetings have a dedicated agenda item at the beginning to hear and respond to questions from local residents. If a member of the public has specific questions to pose to the Parish Council however, it would be appreciated if you make contact beforehand with the question so there is time to research a constructive answer if required. Any written documents to submit to the Parish Council should be presented at least three working days before the meeting date to ensure the Parish Councillors have adequate time to read, understand and prepare for the discussion.
We aim to finish all meetings within 2 hours, and ask any members of the public to keep contributions short and concise. Please see our Attendee Code of Conduct for more information.